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The #1 podcast for crypto natives to learn about new concepts, trends and projects in blockchain, DeFi, NFTs and Web 3.

Jason Choi (@mrjasonchoi) goes deep into the technology and economics behind crypto projects to dissect trends and themes in a global context.

Strictly not financial advice.

Mar 13, 2020

A special 15-min segment where I answer your questions! 

  • Why did crypto markets crash 30-40% in a day?
  • What happened to MakerDao and why is it in deficit?
  • How have I dealt with the coronavirus in Hong Kong?

Host: Jason Choi (@MrJasonChoi). If you enjoyed the show, consider tipping! This show is not financial advice.

  • BTC: 3EFSLnPpme6Lo6DynN1bVV9owooueFvEmJ
  • ETH: 0xdec40AA30B9C562aB4b839529BfC290C1B5Da61E




"LEMMiNO - Infinity [Chill]" is released under a Creative Commons license (BY-SA) 4.0 Music provided by BreakingCopyright:

Disclaimer: Jason Choi is an investor at Spartan Capital, the hedge fund arm of The Spartan Group. All opinions expressed by Jason and podcast guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of The Spartan Group and any of its subsidiaries and personnel. This podcast is for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions.